Welcome to the Official Website of
M.T. Kingsley
Author - Legal Thrillers
Coming Soon!
Stay tuned for the latest work by M.T. Kingsley.
Still being written and polished, the outcome should be another page-turner:
Having survived the ordeals of being a young Black woman attorney practicing and teaching environmental law in New Orleans, Rebecca Boudreaux thought she could now focus on getting married. Every girl dreams of her perfect wedding day. But not being kidnapped after saying “I do.”
Rebecca becomes entangled in a complicated web of industrial greed and murder when providing legal assistance to new clients concerned about a polluting company locating in their small town. Rebecca must fight to save her rural Louisiana clients, and ultimately herself, from the deadly grip of a rogue corporate agent threatening to kill her, or at least her happy ever.

“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind,
is written large in his works”
Virginia Woolf